


Industry Projects

US Department of Energy (DOE)

1996 – Present

The DOE and its subcontractors have used Petrogen technology on numerous power plant decommissioning projects including Fernald, INEEL, Hanford, Pantex, Savannah River, Oak Ridge, Portsmouth, and West Valley, and to sites in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, England, and Spain. DOE contractors using the torch include Fluor Daniel, Babcock & Wilcox, Lockheed Martin, Bechtel, MK Ferguson,Westinghouse, General Dynamics, BNFL, Nuclear Fuel Service, RS, GTS, Philotechnics, and Energy Solutions (multiple sites), among others. The Department of Energy has enthusiastically endorsed Petrogen as a “Technology Triumph” (see DOE report in Annex E) and continues to be one of the strongest proponents of the safety, economy and performance of Petrogen.

Rescue Projects



The Petrogen system has been a standard tool in the FEMA cache since 2001. In 2014, FEMA purchased additional systems for every response team, making Petrogen the prime technology for rescue applications.

International Responders


The tier one emergency response teams from countries including the UK, Japan, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, and Canada have transitioned to Petrogen as their prime technology for metal cutting. Additionally, countries currently making the transition include the UAE, Egypt, Vietnam and South Africa.

Military Projects



Petrogen has developed the latest generation of vehicle mounted torch systems through a collaborative effort with leaders, instructors and students from the Ft. Lee, VA Recovery School. This ongoing program has included in-depth mission research coupled with live training and testing with students. The program has also been reviewed and is under consideration by prime vendors like BAE. The technology has been tested at Aberdeen Proving Ground and the current offering is designed around mission requirements, feedback and testing specifically addressing the future role of hot cutting within the TACOM scope of operation.

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)


To expedite the critical mission of demilitarization, the DLA adopted Petrogen as a prime technology. The role of the Petrogen torch included cutting battle damaged vehicles into manageable pieces, as well as the de-mil of armor packs and weapon systems. The Petrogen system is now a standard component in the DLA toolkit and has been deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait.

Petrogen Breach Lab


In 2008, Petrogen established a school in Colorado Springs, Colorado dedicated to teaching advanced skills to military operators, rescue technicians, and industry professionals. It also serves as a critical asset in Petrogen’s R&D efforts as it has allowed for the creation of a database of information for previously unknown or underappreciated aspects of unique missions such as rescue and combat applications. This information goes directly into development of the next generation of Petrogen equipment. Instructors trained at the Petrogen Breach Lab went on to train 1500 additional military troops in 2013/14 alone.

